Wednesday, 13 August 2014

(not) just a number

this will be just a quick one. when we moved into our house my mom gave us a house warming gift for our new wall. it was one of her early laser cutting projects, a gate number complete with the inscription "made by mom" loved this number but over time the sun had completely deteriorated the vinyl numbering. it had dulled so badly that people were struggling to find my house. it was time.

i found some old pallets at work and joined them together and shaped them to a bit of a cowboy town styled plaque. i used the jigsaw and hand cut some numbers from some scrapped plastic that we had at work. i suppose it was more like a nylon than a plastic, but i'm not really sure. it was nice and rigid about 5mm thick and looked like it will do the job. i first tried to cut the numbers on the scroll saw but the blade was not aggressive enough in removing material, making a beautiful fine cut but heating the material up to just melt together beyond the blade again. i found a jigsaw blade with teeth that were not set to the side. this did a great job of cutting the plastic. i then hand finished the numbers with needle files.

i used some more of that home made vinegar stain that i used on the sound box to get the wood darker. applied loads of raw linseed oil and mounted the numbers. 

this is strikingly more visible from the street, day or night. not made of brass, so less likely to get stolen and cost nothing but some time. i am very happy with the end result! 

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