the honda has been a nightmare. brakes and all were serviced. and it fired up nice and easily after refitting everything. the bike however did not want to idle normally once it warmed up. narrowed the fault down to the carbs and removed them and cleaned them. replaced some suspect o-rings with what i could get hold off. seemed to be fine. fitted the carbs back to the bike. same problem.
so dad jumps into the picture and buys me a kit to rebuild all four carbs. new jets, new, rubbers, new everything. decided that if i'm going to this, i'll do it propperly and i stripped the entire bank of carbs down to bits. clenaed everything. all the small passages pushed clear using a guitar string. re-assemble. fit the carbs to the bike. same problem. oh the disappointment. incessant head scratching insued. pulled the bank of carbs off again and checked the idle passages again with the guitar string. i remembered that in the kit there were new slow idle jets but the new ones were made for a newer model carburettor which unlike mine screw into the carb body instead of being pressed in. i thought since they are the same size let me see what the jet passage looks like. took the new jet tried the guitar string and noticed it does not fit... ran up to the house opened my guitar case and found one that fitted through the jet. went back the bank of carbs, pushed the guitar string through (this time really through) all the slow idle jets, refit it. and ther you have it.
there was a lesson in there for me: if you have the wrong strings on your guitar, then your bike will not run!
so now i have a minor problem with an old spring on the brake pedal and i need a new headlamp, then we have a bike that will pass the road worthy test and we will be off! it has been nearly three years and too much money. really close now. still cannot believe that the bike is running. i think i'll go start it agian this afternoon...